The documents for research output publications in 2024:

  • DHET lists of accredited journals (accredited conference proceedings are included in these lists).  When identifying a journal to publish in ensure that the ISSN numbers are the same as the ISSN on the DHET lists as there are journals with the same titles but different ISSN numbers.  If the ISSN number differs to that on the DHET it is not accredited.  The Excel sheet contains 6 accredited journal indexes (DHET, IBSS, Norwegian List, ScieLO SA, Scopus and DOAJ). Each on their own worksheet.
  • Accredited conference proceedings are included in these various accredited journal list indexes.
  • Relevant completed checklists are to be completed and submitted with each publication and supporting documents.  There is an Internal Authors form which needs to be completed for each internal author per publication.
  • DHET Research Outputs Policy

Research outputs are to be submitted via the Faculty Research & Innovation Committee to the Research Directorate as soon as the final publication is available.

Contact person in the Research Directorate:
Chantelle Sonnekus
Research Development Officer
O: 016 950 9354 |

Research Outputs Publications

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